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P.A.G.E: Pneumatically Actuated Glove for Extended-Reality

P.A.G.E (pneumatically actuated glove for extended-reality) is a pneumatically actuated wearable that simulates tapping in extended-reality in the form of a socially acceptable glove

To address the issues of current haptic glove solutions on inclusivity, we prototyped and designed a lightweight, textile-embedded, and hence truly wearable haptic glove that is comfortable on skin, low-cognitive-load, and socially acceptable.

We would like to highlight the key role of FlowIO in our project. Providing force feedback on glove interface often involves a bulky actuation mechanism that contains motors, wires, linkages, ergonomic enclosures, etc., while the integration of FlowIO brings a solution with hackable air which aligns with our goals of tangible immersive experience and human-factor needs. Its easy-to-use web-based interface also allows us to rapid prototyping and testing our ideas. Also we'd like to give a shout-out to Ali who supported us by connecting us with resources at MIT and FlowIO community, and by troubleshooting the technical issues and questions we encountered ;)

The project is still under development and we are exploring possibilities to improve the experience, such as flow rate control and native API support on Unity. We look forward to further hacking the software and hardware of FlowIO to develop better communications between pneumatic and mixed-reality interfaces that can achieve our goal of usable and joyful haptic experience.

Team member: Davide Zhang, Xiao Zhou, Yuchen Zhao, Yimeng Hou, Alicia Cheng, Yubo Zhao)

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