Soft Robotics and related Labs & Institutions
United States
AMIR Lab, KSU (Amir A. Moghadam)
ARM Lab, Georgia Tech (Frank L. Hammond)
Biodesign Lab, Harvard (Conor Walsh)
Bioinspired Robotics & Design, UCSD (Michael Tolley)
Charm Lab, Stanford (Allison Okamura)
Creative Machines Lab, Columbia (Hod Lipson)
Distributed Robotics Lab, MIT (Daniela Rus)
HCI Engineering Group, MIT (Stephanie Mueller)
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, CMU
Lewis Lab, Harvard (Jennifer Lewis)
Microrobotics Lab, Harvard (Robert Wood)
Bio-Inspired Robotics Laboratory, UK (Fumiya Iida)
Biorobotics Institute, Italy (Paolo Dario)
Bristol Soft Robotics Lab, UK (Jonathan Rossiter)
Brubotics at Vrije University, Belgium (Bram Vanderborght)
HCIL, Germany (Patrick Baudisch)
Microsystem Technology, Sweden (Klas Hjort)
Morph Lab, UK (Thrish Nanayakkara)
Reconfigurable Robotics Lab, Switzerland (Jamie Paik)
Mlab Robotics, OregonU (Yigit Menguc)
Morphing Matter, CMU (Lining Yao)
Organic Robotics Lab, Cornell (Rob Shepherd)
Robotics Soft Matter Group, WPI (Markus Nemitz)
Self-Assembly Lab, MIT (Skylar Tibbits)
Shape Lab, Stanford (Sean Follmer)
Soft Machines Lab, CMU (Carmel Majidi)
Soft Robotics Lab, WPI (Cagdas Onal)
Stanford Charm Lab, Stanford (Alison Okamura)
Tangible Media Group, MIT Media Lab (Hiroshi Ishii)
The Faboratory, Yale (Rebecca Kramer)
Soft Haptics & Robot Lab,UK (Helge Wurdemann)
Soft Robot PlugIns SOFA, France
Soft Robotics Lab, Switzerland (Robert Katzschmann)
Soft Robotic Matter, Netherlands (Bas Overvelde)
Soft Transducers Lab, Switzerland (Herbert Shea)
TU Berlin, Germany (Oliver Brock)
UK-RAS Task Group on Soft Robotics, UK (Helmut Hauser)
Bionics&Control Lab, Hong Kong (Zheng Wang)
Biorobotics Lab at SNU, South Korea (Kyu-Jin Cho)
Biwako-kusatsu campus, Japan (Shinichi Hirai)
Gu Research Group, China (GuoYing Gu)
KAIST NMAIL, South Korea (Jo, Sungho)
KAIST HRI Lab (Ki-uk Kyung)
Bio-inspired Soft Robot Lab, Singapore (Zhu Zian)
SNU Soft Robotics & Bionics lab, South Korea (Yong-Lae Park)
Soft Robotics Laboratory, South Korea (Wei Wang)
Soft Robotics Research Center, South Korea (Cho kyu jin)
SUTD BRD Lab, Singapore (Pablo Valdivia)
Suzumori Endo Robotics Laboratory, Japan (鈴森 康)
Open Soft Machines, Japan (Ryuma Niiyama)
University of Science and Technology, China (Shiwu Zhang)
Industrial Research Labs and Startups​
Meta Reality Labs (HCI, Haptics)
Microsoft Research (HCI, Haptics, Interfaces)
Samsung Design Innovation Center
If we missed any labs let us know