Judith Barry
We are updating an interactive installation, HA®DCELL, to 21st c. technology. The work is housed in a 6’x6’x4’ crate and its 37 moving parts seemingly come to life using motion sensors when a viewer engages with the work.
We are exploring the possibility of using FlowI0, in conjunction with Raspberry Pi Pico, to control these 37 moving parts as well as activate the motion sensors. The moving parts include many small motors, video monitors + media players, small inflatables, and other electronic and computer elements.
Description of what happens:
A crate seems to have fallen from the sky, spilling its contents, mostly ‘dead technology’. As you approach, it seems to move and shift slightly as though sentient. Looking inside, various parts seem to activate as you come closer. Gradually, you realize it is one organism, trying to re-animate using a humorous and low tech version of the ‘bottom -up’ approach to producing artificial intelligence (circa 1994…).
* We are still in the intial stages of testing out how we can incorporate flowIO, but will post updates as we make progress